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Jul 14, 2012

Minivan news editor says it is simply propaganda!

Here's what JJ Robinson, the editor, had to say: "Minivan News (the website) was started by Nasheed's MDP in 2004, together with Minivan Radio and Minivan Daily (a print publication). Minivan Radio and the paper were essentially propaganda, but at the same time, they were the first dissident media outlets presenting an opinion other than that of the autocracy.
Minivan News was slightly different--it has always been headed by a foreign editor/journalist with an outside, apolitical perspective, who reports and trains young Maldivian journalists to cover human rights abuses, corruption cases etc. Pre-2008, this transparency was politically detrimental to the dictatorship, hence the MDP backing at the time.

Following the election won by Nasheed, the MDP backing ceased and the radio and paper folded. Minivan News, however, by that stage had the country's highest standard of journalism and was relied upon by the international community. Without political funding, it was left to survive on its own merits by marketing its high-value audience and selling banner advertising. It's been a hand-to-mouth existence, but Minivan News survives by being a lean, no-frills operation.

So while we are genuinely independent - certainly this is the most editorial freedom I've ever had in my 10 year journalism career - we recognize the challenges of our political heritage. All we can do is let the content speak for itself, always give the opportunity to respond to both sides regardless of their opinion of us, and let people take us to task in the comment section where they feel we have erred.

The MDP recently restarting Minivan Daily has been confusing a lot of people. It probably doesn't help that Nasheed's brother, Nazim Sattar, is still listed as the 'Minivan' editor with the Department of Information from the 2004 days.

Generally speaking though, our approach has worked and our independence has been validated by our growing audience, which is increasing 50%+ year on year. Ironically, while the former opposition regard us with suspicion due to our MDP roots, the MDP at times regards us as traitorous for the very same reason. In fact it's fair to say that our success is measured in how few friends we have!" read more
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