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Dec 15, 2011

"Rape me before you rape any fellow Maldivian"

Today in the news we read that a young girl has been raped brutally in the daylight by a member of a notorious street gang freed by MDP govt on the second chance programme. Worse is that the tragedic event has been video taped by the criminals.

I wonder why the govt is releasing these kinds of hardcore criminals into the society. I strongly believe the govt is abusing the second chance prgramme and it must be held responsible for these heinous crimes.

While the govt had invited Ms Pillay to talk about atrocities against women why have they failed or is purposely paving way for these atrocities against women? I think Ms Pillay should have asked.

It was previous night Mr President said "kill me before you kill any fellow Maldivian" in response to a stone thrown at a controversal figure who has been calling and encouraging others to denounce Islam. Not only that this person has been advocating for gay rights and publishing porn on his blog.

The irony of his saying is that many Maldivians have been murdured and seriously harmed by criminals released by govt before they have served their sentence in jail.

When his blog was banned because of its controversal content, Ms Pillay and other international players were quick to intervene on his behalf. Will they come out this time round to defend and seek justice for our young girl and ask govt to stop abusing the criminal system?

Or will President Nasheed say this time "rape me before you rape any fellow Maldivian woman"?
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