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Dec 29, 2011

Is President Nasheed a wise man?

President Nasheed loves . boast he is smart and that he thinks ahead of his rivals. Likening to playing a chess game with his political rivals, he used to say that he plays six pieces ahead.

Following the recent actions of his government, can we say that? After seeing his own unpopularity and the small crowd who heeded his call to support his medhumin dheen, he is behaving as if he is now determined to destroy tourism industry.

When the protesters demanded to close brothels in the capital city he sent police to shut down spas in resort islands belonging to his rivals. When protesters asked him not to carry on with plans to introduce bars in local areas he announced to ban drinking across the country targetting to resort islands where non muslims can drink and eat pork.

An ordinary Maldivian described his recent actions as follows

"Is this a president trying to prove a point? NO way people! This is a five year old kid saying if you try to take my balloon I will burst it!
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